OPD Schedule :
| Name of the Faculty | OPD | OPD Days |
Clinical Faculty | Dr. Satyawati Deswal | Thyroid Clinic | Mon, Fri |
High Dose therapy | Mon | ||
Dr. Shashwat Verma | Thyroid Clinic | Wed, Fri | |
Dr. Satyawati Deswal Dr. Shashwat Verma | Bone Pain Palliation for Bone metastasis | Tues & Thurs | |
Non Clinical Faculty | Dr. Dhananjay Kr. Singh | - | - |
Teaching program schedule :
Date/Day | Topic | Moderator | |
October 2019 | |||
01/10/2019 Tues | CGR | | |
04/10/2019 Fri | Neurotransmitters in Brain | Dr. Satyawati Deswal | |
07/10/2019 Mon | 99mTc abeled Radiopharmaceuticals (part-1) | Mr. Shashank Shekhar ojha | |
08/10/2019 Tues | CGR | | |
09/10/2019 to 12/10/2019 (10:00am to 01:00 pm) | Lectures & Practical | By Visiting faculty (Dr. GS Pant) | |
14/10/2019 Mon | Basic Epidemiological Concepts | Dr. Shambhavi Mishra | |
15/10/2019 Tues | CGR | | |
18/10/2019 Fri | 99mTc abeled Radiopharmaceuticals (part-2) | Mr. Manish Kumar | |
21/10/2019 Mon | CNS Anatomy (Part-1) | Dr. Shashwat Verma | |
22/10/2019 Tues | CGR | | |
25/10/2019 Fri | Molecular Imaging Probe | Dr. Shashwat Verma | |
28/10/2019 Mon | ANOVA & ANOCOVA | Dr. Shambhavi Mishra | |
29/10/2019 Tues | CGR | | |
November 2019 | ||
01/11/2019 Fri | Nuclear Reactions | Dr. Dhananjay K Singh |
04/11/2019 Mon | Journal Club | Rimpa Mudi |
05/11/2019 Tues | CGR | |
08/11/2019 Fri | Testing of Hypothesis(2) | Dr. Shambhavi Mishra |
11/11/2019 Mon | Volumetric Analysis, laboratory Instruments & lab safety mechanism | Dr. Dhananjay K Singh |
12/11/2019 Tues | CGR | |
15/11/2019 Fri | Seminar | Purshottam Singh |
18/11/2019 Mon | Influence of LET & RBE | Dr. SP Mishra |
19/11/2019 Tues | CGR | |
22/11/2019 Fri | Radiolabelling of cells | Dr. Shashwat Verma |
25/11/2019 Mon | Target theory/Multihit theory | Dr. SP Mishra |
26/11/2019 Tues | CGR | |
29/11/2019 Fri | SPECT/CT | Mr. Subhash Kheruka |
2020 |
Thurs Spectrometer
& its QC – Gamma Ray Spectrometer Dr.
Dhananjay kr. Singh 18/01/2020
Sat Radiation
Detector Gas
filled Detector, Scintillation & Semiconductor Mr.
Subhash Kheruka 23/01/2020
Thurs Journal
Club Purshottam
Singh 25/01/2020
Sat Electronic Instrumentation for
Radiation Detection System Mr.
Subhash kheruka 30/01/2020
Thurs Anatomy
& Physiology of digestive System Dr.
Satyawati Deswal 01/02/2020
Sat Image
Quality in Nuclear Medicine Mr.
Subhash kheruka 06/02/2020
Thurs Biology
of Cancer & Basic Medical Terminology Dr.
Shashwat Verma 08/02/2020
Sat Rectilinear Scanner & Gamma Scanner , Collimator
system Mr.
Subhash kheruka 13/02/2020
Thurs Problems in Radiation Detection
& Measurement Dr.
Dhananjay kr. Singh 15/02/2020
Sat Thyroid
Uptake Probe & QC of Radiation Protection Instrumentation Mr.
Subhash kheruka 20/02/2020
Thurs Immunology Dr.
Satyawati Deswal 22/02/2020
Sat Anatomy
& Physiology of Respiratory System Dr.
Shashwat Verma 27/02/2020
Thurs Journal
Club Prerana
Department Facilities :
Diagnostic: | Therapeutic | OPD |
Dual Head Gamma Camera SPECT-CT and Thyroid uptake probe | Isolation room for Radioiodine therapy | Thyroid clinic and Bone pain palliation clinic |
128 slice TOF PET CT Scan |
Other instruments available: Treadmill withECG monitor, complete radio-pharmacy with all the quality control equipments,quality control phantoms and calibration sources, all radiation monitoring andpersonnel monitoring devices.
Gamma Camera Procedures performed:Thyroid scan, Parathyroid scan,Myocardial Perfusion scan, MUGA, Renogram, DMSA scan, DTPA scan, GFR,Radionuclide MCU, Bone scan, Lung Perfusion & Ventilation scan,Liver-spleen scan, Hepatobillary scan, Meckel scan, Brain SPECT, GI bleeding,Gastric emptying and GER scan and Dacryoscintigraphy.
Therapeutic Nuclear MedicineProcedures:Out patient I-131 therapy for thyrotoxicosis and Samarium therapy for bone painpalliation. Inpatient high dose radio-iodine therapy for metastatic thyroidcancer.
PET-CT Facility:
The department has 128 slice TOF Philips PET-CT scanner whichhas been fully functional since Sep 2018.
Training & Courses :
Academics: The department has AERB approved M.Sc. NuclearMedicine course since 2015 affiliated to Lucknow University with presently 6seats sanctioned per year. Regular classes, internal assessments and semesterexams are conducted. CME’s and guest lecturers have been organized from time totime.
CMEconducted by the Department :
CME on Nuclear Thyroidologyin Jan, 2016.
CME onApplication of FDG PET-CT in non-oncologic conditions in Sep, 2019.
Guest Lecture onNuclear Cardiology by Richard Underwood.
Guest lecturesby Dr Shambhavi Mishra.
Guest lecturesby Dr Subhash Kheruka.
Guest lecturesby Dr G.S Pant.
Guest lecturers delivered by the Departmental faculty :
Name of the Faculty | Topic |
Dr. Dhananjay Kr. Singh | PET/MR and Molecular Imaging |
PET-CT and its application | |
Basic concept and Evaluation of SPECT and SPECT CT system | |
Digital ERA: Need to Understand DICOM |
Theinception of the Department of Nuclear Medicine goes back to year 2010 The OPD startedin 2011 with the weekly two days. The Gamma camera was acquired in the year2013 and since then the number of daily scans which have been performed have both increased in number as well asindications which we have been doing the scan. The number of the OPD days hasbeen increased now we have been doing OPD for five days in a week with thepatient input of almost 45 to 50 Patients per OPD. We are treating bothhypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism with the help of Radioiodine. We arealso conducting special OPD for thyroid cancer patients for which we are admittingthe patient to isolation ward. We also are seeing patients for bone painpalliation and treating them with Samarium-153 therapy. In August 2018 PET CTmachine was installed and after the installation almost more than thousand PETscans have been performed for various oncological & non oncologicalindications. We are in plan for expansion for Department with other modalitieslike PET MR, Cyclotron, PET CT guided biopsy, Second Gamma Camera. We are alsoin process of starting DNB courses for which the application is under process.
1) HOD:
2) Start date of the department: Year 2009
3) About the department:
Nuclear Medicine imaging procedures, which are noninvasive, safe and painless, are used in diagnosis and management of treatment:
The Nuclear medicine facility is located in Oncology Bhawan. We are performing routine clinical work involving gamma camera SPECT-CT imaging, radionuclide low dose (on OPD basis) and high dose (inpatient therapy), as well as for student teaching and conducting interdepartmental clinical discussion/ meetings.
The government has approved one Time of Flight (TOF) PET-CT and one dual head gamma camera under consideration for the Nuclear Medicine department. The facility will be functional earliest by end of 2014.
Two room isolation ward high dose radionuclide therapy facility are functional since June, 2013.
We are providing a large range of nuclear medicine investigations as well as therapeutic services.
Know more about Nuclear Medicine click here...
4) Location: First floor, Oncology Building
Contact No.:
HOD, Nuclear Medicine office: 05222305400, extension 4032
Reception Nuclear Medicine: 05222305400, extension 4045
5) Senior Residents: One (01), Dr. Himanshu
6) Facilities:Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine Clinic Click Here
Services offered by the department as follow-
Numerous diagnostic and therapeutic services are offered at present. For full list of services, please click here.
Diagnostic: Click here...
Therapeutic: Click here...
7) Courses Offered:
8) Activities: Department of Nuclear Medicine is actively involved in teaching and training of medical physicist, technician, nurses and other paramedical staff about radiation safety in diagnostic as well as therapeutic nuclear medicine.
9) Area of research expertise: Nuclear Cardiology, Nuclear nephro-urology, Nuclear oncology and Nuclear endocrinology
10) Research Staff: One (01) Dhananjay Kumar Singh, Scientist “B”
11) Technical Staff:
Sr. No | Name | Designation | Education qualification |
1 | Mr. Gaurav Kumar Sinha | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | B.Sc. NMT, DNMT |
2 | Mr. Balesh Kumar | Technician | B.Sc. MIT |
3 | Mr. Rudra Narayan Singh | Technician | B.Sc. Physics |
12) Future Prospective plan:
Know more about PET & PET-CT Click here..