Departmentof Microbiology, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Head of the Department : Professor Jyotsna Agarwal, MD
Contact email:
Office Tel: 0522-6692000
History:- The department started in year 2011, with offering serological services, and gradually expanded to current, state of the art Microbiological Diagnostic, Teaching and Research facilities. The department is located at sixth floor, hospital building, Dr RMLIMS. Microbiology. Department collaborates with National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme for several infectious diseases including dengue, JE, Chikungunya, Malaria, Filaria and HIV. Department publishes an annual newsletter with hospital antibiograms which is circulated amongst all clinicians. We are recognized for MD microbiology (5 Seats) by NMC. We are actively involved in MBBS teaching.
Bacteriology Lab
Bacteriology lab has facilities for isolation and identification of
various pathogenic bacteria and determining their antimicrobial susceptibility
by conventional as well as automated methods. It has automated continuous
monitoring system of blood culture for growth of aerobic bacteria and MALDITOF
is available. Automated culture method for anaerobic bacteria is also
available. Rapid test for C. difficile
toxin is also available
Serology Lab
Serology lab has latex agglutination tests for ASO titres, CRP and
Rheumatoid factor. It also has serological tests available for syphilis
including TPHA, enteric fever(WIDAL and rapid) and leptospirosis. Procalcitonin
quantitative testing by VIDAS automated analyzer is available and Anti CCP
antibody test is also carried out. Chikungunya IgM ELISA and scrub typhus ELISA
is also done
Immunology Lab
Immunology lab has HIV facility for testing. Complete TORCH profile is
also done. Dengue NS1Ag and IgM Ab ELISA are available.
Mycobacteriology Lab
Mycobateriology lab has state of art facilities. Conventional and Automated Culture (MGIT 320) is done for pulmonary as well as extrapulmonary samples. First /Second line anti-mycobacterial susceptibility testing by MGIT automated method is done. LPA molecular testing for identification of MDR patients is done in pulmonary samples. CBNAAT facility is also available. The laboratory also works in collaboration with NTEP. Under this programme lab is attached with 9-10 designated districts of eastern UP for performing follow up liquid cultures of sputum samples of suspected MDR patients.
Mycology Lab
Routine culture and identification of fungi and automated identification
and susceptibility testing of yeasts is available. Latex agglutination test for
Cryptococcus neoformans is done regularly. Facilities for diagnosis of
mucromycosis are also available
Parasitology Lab
Identification of blood and enteric parasites is available. Rapid test
for antigen detection of Malaria and Microfilaria and ELISA for Cysticercosis
and Echinococcus are also available.
Virology Lab
Virology lab has ELISA testing for Hepatitis A, B, C, and E by manual as
well as automated method. All markers of Hepatitis B are available ie HBe, HBc,
HBs. JE IgM ELISA is available. CMV RT-PCR is also
available. BSL-2 facility is available as per MCI/NMC norms.
Molecular diagnostics:
Department has a well
equipped, fully functional common molecular diagnostic section. Currently it
offers viral load estimation for Hepatitis B and C by IVD approved Cobas
Techman Real-time PCR system. This is also used for MD thesis related molecular
Hospital InfectionSurveillance Lab:
It is an active and important part of the department work profile. It conducts surveillance of various ICUs, OTs and kitchen etc. Hand Hygiene programs for staff/doctors is also done from time to time.
ICTC: after merger with Lohia combined hospital, ICTC is transferred under Microbiology department now. We also offer CD4 testing to patients attending ART clinic
Covid lab: We have an ICMR approved BSL-2 lab, fully functional since April 2020, to support Covid diagnostics by performing RT-PCRs and Truenat tests, round the clock. It has the capacity of testing up to 14000 samples for RTPCR in a day
Name of faculty |
Section In charge/ co-in charge |
Prof. JyotsnaAgarwal |
Virology/Molecular diagnostics,
Hospital infection Surveillance, Covid lab |
Dr. Vineeta Mittal |
Mycobacteriology, Immunology |
Dr. Manodeep Sen |
Bacteriology, Parasitology,
Hospital infection Surveillance |
Dr. Anupam Das |
Bacteriology, Mycology, ICTC |
Dr. Jaya Garg |
Immunology, Virology, Covid lab |
Dr. Akanksha Gupta |
Co Incharge Serology, Immunology & ICTC Section |
Departmenthas 11 Posts of Senior residents (Post MD Microbiology) sanctioned.
Courses Offered:
MBBS: MBBS batch started from year 2017
MD: 10 MD seats have been approved by the NMC/MCI per year, and first batch of MD(Microbiology)students joined
since 2017.
DMLT: since 2013
Training/Dissertation for Graduates/Post graduates in Microbiology: MSc (Microbiology) and Biotechnology students from different universities undergotraining as well as dissertation in the department.
a)Symposium/workshop/CME/Public health lectures Organized:
Public health lectures Organized :
Department of Microbiology, Dr. Ram Manohar LohiaInstitute of Medical Sciences(Dr RMLIMS)celebrated World Health Day 2016 andWorld TB Day together on 7thApril, 2016 at Mini auditorium,Gomtinagar, Lucknow upon the theme of "Diabetesand Tuberculosis".
UPMICROCON 2016 Organised :
Department of Microbiology, Dr. Ram Manohar LohiaInstitute of Medical Sciences(Dr RMLIMS) celebrated World Health Day 2016 andWorld TB Day together on 7thApril, 2016 at Mini auditorium,Gomtinagar, Lucknow upon the theme of "Diabetesand Tuberculosis".
Public health lectures Organized :
World hepatitis day is celebrated every year on 28thJuly. On this occasion, Gastromedicine and microbiology department of Dr RMLIMSorganised a patient awareness, screening and vaccination programme. Thisprogramme was inaugurated by Director RMLIMS and a book on hepatitis B awarenesswritten by Dr PrashantVerma was released by Director and MedicalSuperintendent. On this day a large number of patients were screened free of charge andpatients with negative reportwere given first dose of hepatitis B vaccination.
Workshop Organised
Workshop on ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP on 5th October2013 was organized bythe Department of Microbiology, Dr Ram ManoharLohiaInstitute of MedicalSciences, Lucknow. Target audience of this workshop wereinfectious diseasephysicians, microbiologists, hospital administrators, nursingadministrators &pharmacists. This workshop was based on rational use ofantibiotics by doctors.
Symposium Organised
Department of Microbiology, Dr. RMLIMS organised asymposium on “Vector borne disease” at 12.30PM on 5th April, 2014 on eve ofWorld Health Day at Mini Auditorium, ground floor, Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow. Thesymposium was targeted for clinicians and lab Physicians involved in diagnosisand treatment of Vector Borne Diseases. During this ceremony, First newsletterfrom dept of micro was inaugurated by Director and MS.On the occasion of world TB week2013, a symposium ‘Update on Tuberculosis’ on 18th March 2013 was organized bythe Department of Microbiology, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of MedicalSciences, Lucknow, which covered almost all aspects of this dreaded disease. Anumber of noted dignitaries working in various aspects of Tuberculosis activelyparticipated in the Symposium byway of delivering lectures & discussions.Chief Guest of the symposium was Dr Harsharan Das (IAS), Principal Secretary& Ex-Officio Director General Department of science & Technology Govt ofUP Lucknow. The Guest of honour Professor D Behera, Chairman National TaskForce, TB control addressed the audience on menace of ‘Drug resistance intuberculosis.’
Organized a Guest lecture on 11.5.2012 upon “Riskstratification in patients for empirical antimicrobial therapy" by Dr AnkurGupta, Medical advisor, MSD.
b) Teaching of Technician,Nurses & other Paramedical staff:
Bench side teaching for trainee/technicians occursregularly. Nurses of the hospital are routinely taught basic microbiology andoptimized techniques for blood collection in vacutainers. Time to time necessaryinstructions for control of hospital infections are discussed with MedicalSuperintendent and chief nursing officer.
Prof. JyotsnaAgarwal, Head of the Department,Microbiology:
1. Co-opted member SERB ProgrammeAdvisory Committee on Biomedical and Health Science
2. Awarded as first runner up in theoutstanding woman in medical and health care award category in 3rd FLO WomenAwards of Uttar Pradesh 2017-2018
3. Co-authored poster that received Best Poster Award inBacteriology: Sana Islahi, ManodeepSen, Anupam Das, Jyotsna Agarwal. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile ofStaphylococcus aureus Isolated from Pyogenic Infections-Variations Encounteredat Secondary and Tertiary Care Level Centres presented at XV Annual Conferenceof Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UK MICROCON 2019) byDepartment of MicrobiologyEra’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,Era University,Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,Era University,Lucknow from 1st and 2nd February 2019.
4. Co-authored poster that received Best Poster Award inInfection Control: Vikramjeet Singh,Anupam Das,Manodeep Sen,Jyotsna Agarwal Nemesis of HemodialysisCatheter-Elizabethkingiameningoseptica: An emerging pathogen in ICU patientsundergoing hemodialysis in North India presented at XV Annual Conference ofIndian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UK MICROCON 2019) byDepartment of Microbiology Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,Era University, Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital,Era University,Lucknowfrom 1st and 2nd February 2019.
5. Co-authored poster that received Best Poster Award in Mycology: Kriti Maurya,AnupamDas,Manodeep Sen,Jaya Garg, Sana Islahi, Jyotsna AgarwalRare Isolation of Trichophytonsoudanense: A case presentation presented at XVAnnual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UKMICROCON 2019) by Department of Microbiology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,Era University,Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, EraUniversity, Lucknowfrom 1st and 2nd February 2019
6. Voted “Best teacher” by outgoingMBBS students on Teachers’ day celebration on 5th September 2016, at KingGeorge’s Medical University.
7. ‘Excellence in Teaching’ award onTeachers day on 5th September 2015, at King George’s Medical UniversityTeachers’ day celebration
8. Voted “Best teacher” by outgoingMBBS students on Teachers’ day celebration on 5th September 2014, at KingGeorge’s Medical University.
9. Awarded first prize at KGMUResearch Showcase 2013 October in Basic Sciences at KGMU, Lucknow.
10. Associate Editor for ClinicalEpidemiology and Global Health (Official Journal of IndiaCLEN, aninternational, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by Elsevier,India Ltd).
11. National faculty for RTI/STIteaching and training programme of NACO, India and SIFPSA, UP Govt.
Dr Vineeta Mittal, Professor (JR)::
1. Dr Manorma Agarwal Diamond JubileeSilver Award to Dr Vineeta Mittal by IMA Lucknow Branch on 14th October 2012
2. President’s AppreciationAward2011-2012 to Dr Vineeta Mittal by IMA Lucknow Branch on 14th October 2012
3. KanakLata Medal of IMA UP State2012-2013 to Dr. Vineeta Mittal by IMA Uttar Pradesh
4. President’s AppreciationAward2016-2017 to Dr Vineeta Mittal by IMA Lucknow Branch on October 2017
5. President’s AppreciationAward2017-2018 to Dr Vineeta Mittal by IMA Lucknow Branch on December 2018
6. Chikitsasewabhushan samman-2019 byNational medical organisation Lucknow in July2019
Dr Manodeep Sen, Professor (JR):
1. Awarded First Prize forPresentation on “Use of Nanoparticles and Microventilators for better PPE forprevention of respiratory infections and air pollutants” at Workshop onInnovation in Medical Technology:Converting Ideas to Products organized bySociety for Innovation in Medical Sciences at Academic block, Dr RML Instituteof Medical Sciences,Lucknow on 25.5.2019.
2. Awarded second prize in MycologyPoster Presentation entitled Metabolomic Exploration Of CSF Biomarkers ForDiagnosis Of Cryptococcal Meningitis In Adult Patients At A Tertiary Care SuperSpeciality Institute In Northern India. ManodeepSen, PushpaYadav, Anupam Das,Pradeep Kumar maurya, TanushreeChatarjee, Raja Roy at 14th Annual Conference ofUP-UK Chapter of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists organised byDepartment of Microbiology, Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh from 2-3February,2018.
3. Awarded second prize inBacteriology at 4th annual UP chapter Conference of Indian Association ofMedical Microbiologists held on 16th February 2008 at convention centre CSMMU,Lucknow for poster entitled “Colonization of Pregnant Women with Group BStreptococci and it’s effects on pregnancy outcome”.
4. Awarded Second prize in free papersession in “basic sciences” in X1X Annual conference of UP chapter of IndianSociety of gastroenterology “UPISGCON 2008” at GSVM Medical college Kanpur from15-16th March 2008 for oral presentation entitled” Detection of Parvovirus B19DNA and IgM antibodies in patients with Non-Occlusive Gangrene of stomach andbowel: clinical,pathological and virological observations”
5. Awarded best oral paper in virologyat 32nd National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists,MICROCON 2008, at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 21-25 October,2008 fororal presentation entitled“ Therapeutic Implications Of Parvovirus B 19Infection In Pediatric Hematological Malignancies: A Clinico-serological AndMolecular study”
6. Awarded Second prize in free postersession in Mycology: Metabolomic Exploration Of CSF Biomarkers For Diagnosis OfCryptococcal Meningitis In Adult Patients At A Tertiary Care SuperSpeciality Institute In Northern India. ManodeepSen, PushpaYadav, Anupam Das,Pradeep Kumar Maurya, TanushreeChatarjee, Raja Roy at 14th Annual Conference ofUP-UK Chapter of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists organised byDepartment of Microbiology, Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh from 2-3February,2018
Dr Manodeep Sen Co-authored oral presentation that received award/recognition:
7. Award- Best oral presentation award(2nd runner up) for presentation entitled “In-vitro antibacterial screening ofAndrographispaniculata: A possible alternative for fighting against MDRstrains” by PritiMathur, ChandniTandonand ManodeepSen in National symposium on"Interfacing chemical biology and drug design" at Amity Institute ofPharmacy, Amity University, Lucknow on Feb 24-25th, 2015
Dr Manodeep Sen Co-authored poster that received:
8. Second prize in Mycology andParasitology at 4th annual UP chapter Conference of Indian Association ofMedical Microbiologists held on 16th February 2008 at convention centre CSMMUfor presentation entitled “Clinical and Microbiological Profile of IntestinalParasites in Immunocompromised Patients In a Tertiary Care ReferralCentre”byU.Ghoshal, A.Kumar, V.Agarwal, UC Ghoshal, A. Kumar, M. sen, S.Nityanand, KN Prasad, RNMisra, RK Sharma.
DrManodeep Sen , Co-authored poster thatreceived: Magna cum laude Award
9. Suruchi Singh, TanushriChatterji, ManodeepSen, Ishwar Ram Dhayal, RajaRoy "Proton MR profiling in combination with serum procalcitonin levels asrapid indicators for differentiation of urosepsis" in Proceedings of 24thannual meeting of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine atSingapore from 7-13 May,2016
Dr Manodeep Sen, Co-authored poster thatreceived
10. Best Poster Award in Bacteriology:Sana Islahi, Manodeep Sen, AnupamDas, Jyotsna Agarwal Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Staphylococcusaureus Isolated from Pyogenic Infections-Variations Encountered at Secondaryand Tertiary Care Level Centres presented at XV Annual Conference of IndianAssociation of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UK MICROCON 2019) by Department ofMicrobiology Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital,EraUniversity,Lucknow atEra’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital,Era University,Lucknow from 1st and 2nd February 2019.
11. Best Poster Award in InfectionControl: Vikramjeet Singh,Anupam Das,Manodeep Sen,Jyotsna AgarwalNemesis of Hemodialysis Catheter-Elizabethkingiameningoseptica : An emergingpathogen in ICU patients undergoing hemodialysis in North India presented at XVAnnual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UKMICROCON 2019) by Department of Microbiology Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,EraUniversity, Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,Era University,Lucknow from 1st and 2nd February 2019.
12. Best Poster Award in Mycology:KritiMaurya,AnupamDas,ManodeepSen ,Jaya Garg, Sana Islahi, JyotsnaAgarwal RareIsolation of Trichophytonsoudanense:A case presentation presented at XV AnnualConference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UK MICROCON2019) by Department of Microbiology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,EraUniversity,Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,EraUniversity,Lucknow from 1st and 2nd February 2019
Dr Anupam Das, Associate Professor,Microbiology:
1. Received Certificate ofAppreciation , from Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Shri. AlokRanjan, IAS onFebruary 24th, 2015 for Professional Contributions leading to improvement inpatient care, teaching & research.
2. Won Best Poster award in SecondNational conference of Indian association of Tropical Parasitologists (Tropacon2) held in AIIMS in 6-7th November 2008. Topic: “Taeniaasiatica- A casereport from North India”
3. Won Dr Sriniwas best poster awardfor antibiotic susceptibility testing for the year 2002, in Delhi chapter ofIndian Association of Microbiologists. Topic:“A Convenient Screening Test for Metallo Beta Lactamases.”
4. Best Poster Award in Mycology wasawarded to Dr Kriti Maurya, for her poster presented under the guidance of DrAnupam Das
-KritiMaurya,AnupamDas,ManodeepSen ,Jaya Garg, Sana Islahi, JyotsnaAgarwal RareIsolation of Trichophytonsoudanense:A case presentation presented at XV AnnualConference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists(UP-UK MICROCON2019) by Department of Microbiology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,EraUniversity,Lucknow at Era’s Lucknow Medical College andHospital,EraUniversity,Lucknow from 1st and 2nd February 2019
5. Was selected by Tabono sports asAmabassador of Lucknow City Half Marathon -2019
6. Received Second Best PhotographAward for Mobile Photographs in a photography competition organized byDainikJagranSamvadi Group in 2018.
7. Received Best Photograph award inMobiwalk held in NawabWazid Ali Shah Zoological Garden in the World WildlifeWeek in September 2019.
Invited Guest Lectures/Orationsdelivered by Faculty RMLIMS:
Dr Jyotsna Agarwal
1. Participated in CurriculumImplementation Support Programme (CISP) workshoporganized by Medical education Unit at KGMU, Lucknow during 13th-15th May 2019
2. Delivered a lecture on thetopic "Importance of Pk-Pd of Antibiotics” in 15th UP UK MICROCON 2019organized at Era’s Lucknow MedicalCollege, on 1st February 2019
3. Delivered a lecture on thetopic “Newer Vaccines in diseases” at India International Science Festival (IISF-2018), a HealthConclave-2018 organized at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Convention Centre, Lucknowduring Oct, 5-20th, 2018.
4. Delivered a lecture on the topic “Pathophysiology & Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis”in a CME on Obstetric Dilemmas, Organized by Lucknow Chapter of ISOPARB &MFHER Foundation, at Clark’s Avadh, Hazrat Ganj, Lucknowon 8th Sep 2018.
5. Invited speaker in Panel Discussion onthe topic “Save Antibiotics, Savefuture” organized by Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics in Anibiotic awarenessweek on 30th Sept 2018.
6. Attended “ Technology Vision-2035 in relevance to the State of Uttar Pradesh”as Director, Dr.RMLIMS nominee member, organized on the occasion of NationalScience Day by Council of Science and Technology, U.P. in association withTechnology Information Forecasting & assessment Council (TIFAC) on 28thFebruary 2018
7. Delivered a lecture on the topic “BadBugs No Drugs” in Annual CME ofVivekanand Polyclinic & Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow on 20thFebruary 2018
8. Delivered a lecture on the occasion of "World Antibiotic Awareness Week ofWHO" on 18th November 2017, organized by the Department of Microbiology and Department ofAnaesthesiology and Critical care, Dr. RMLIMS
9. Delivered Guest Lecture in meeting of Lucknow Obstetrics& Gynaecolgy Society (LOGS)as part of women health awareness program for sensitization of Gynaecologist for ‘Prevention of Urinary tract infection’ on 4thFebruary 2017 at Hotel Gemini Continental, Lucknow
10. Delivered Guest Lecture for postgraduate students of Department ofObstetrics & Gynaecolgy on“Urinary Tract Infection” on 2ndFebruary 2017
11. Delivered Guest Lecture at ‘IAMMSymposium on MICROBIOME’ on “Microbiotain Disease” in MICROCON 2016,organised by PGIMER, Chandigarh, from23rd to 27th November 2016.
12. Invited Speaker at “Hospital Based Surveillance forRadiological Pneumonia in Children Under 5 Years of Age in Uttar Pradesh andBihar” organised by Department ofPaediatrics, KGMU on 25thaugust 2016 at Lucknow
13. Invited speaker at Symposium on ‘Molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases” on “Molecular detection of antimicrobialresistance in Gram negative rods” on 22nd June 2016, organised by T.N. Medical College and Byl Nair Hospital,Mumbai
14. Invited speaker at Critical care workshop, deliveredlectures on ‘Infection control & concept of bundle’ and ‘Microbiologicalsample collection’ on 7th May 2016, organised by Department of Anesthesiology, KGMU, Lucknow
15. Invited speaker at CME on ‘Growing Resistance toantimicrobials” on account of World Health Day on 6thApril 2016,organised by Era’s Lucknow MedicalCollege and Hospital, Lucknow.
16. Invited speaker at pre conference CME at UPMICROCON (UP chapter of IAMM) on ‘Challenges in management ofSTDs (gonorrhoea and chlamydia), 5th February 2016,organised by Department of Microbiology at RMLIMS,Lucknow.
17. Invited speaker at SGPGI, Lucknow, for Basic Course in ‘Antimicrobials’ from 8th to13th December 2015, Organised by Department of Critical CareMedicine.
Dr Vineeta Mittal
1. Guest Lecture on Writing Research Proposal inMedical Sciences at National conference on Biolife on 9th March 2013at SGPGI organized by Bio-EGICORE.
2. Guest Lecture on “Needle stick injuries ”atScientific presentation on 14 Sep 2013, IMA ,Lucknow
3. Guest Lecture on “Microbiology in medical field” at Amity University, Lucknow on 3rdSeptember 2014
4. Guest Lecture on “TB Diagnosis- recent update”at Era’s Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow on 7th May 2015
5. Guest speaker on “Biofilm and Antibioticresistance” in WoundCON2015 at Lucknow on 6th-8thNovember2015
6. Guest speaker on “Acinetobacter and Biofilm” inWoundCON2016 at Amritsar on 4th-6th October 2016
7. Guest Lecture on Infection in diabeticwound at 11th annualconference of the society for wound care and research WOUNDCARECON 2017 on 15th-17th September 2017 at New Delhi
8. Guest speaker on Swine flu at Mayo medicalCollege on 22 September 2017
9. Guest speaker on Infection control in DrugResistant TB at National CME on Drug Resistant TB on 3rd November2017 at Era Lucknow Medical College and Hospital Lucknow
10. Guest Lecture on Surgical site infections at CMEon CSSD meet- Progress and Reality on 4th December 2017 at KGMULucknow.
11. Speakeron Respiratory samples collection in microbiology in 1stFoundationcourse in sample collection on 24th February 2018
12. Guest speaker on Diagnostic recommendation of tuberculosis in RNTCP at CME on Tuberculosis update on 24thMarch2018 on world TB Day at Dr RMLIMS
13. Guest Lecture on Necrotizing fasciitis inWOUNDCARECON 2018 at Mangalore on 21st September 2018
14. Guest Lecture on Dengue at Health conclave 2018organised by Ministry of Science and technology at Lucknow on 6thOctober 2018
15. Guest Lecture on Diagnostic recommendation of tuberculosis in RNTCP at CME on Tuberculosis update on 24thNovember 2018 at IMAUPCON 2018 at Lucknow
16.Speakeron Respiratory samples collection in microbiology in 2ndFoundationcourse in sample collection on 15 December 2018
17.GuestLecture on Bacteria and Cancer at Central Zone IABSCON-2019 on 3rdFebruary 2019 at KGMU
18.Guest Lecture on Catheter associated urinarytract infections at CGMICROCON 2019 at Raipur on 28th September 2019
Dr Anupam Das:
1. Delivered lecture on ‘StandardPrecaution &Hand Hygiene’ as aresource person for the Workshop on “Infection Control Skills &Microbiologists held in the XVth UP-UK Microcon 2019 held on 1-2nd Feb2019 at ERA Medical College, Lucknow
Module on “Specimen collection for Microbiological investigations " Under Resident Development Programme on January 11, 2020 from 02:00 PM.Venue: Ground floor Mini Auditorium of New Administrative Block of RMLIMS Organized by the Department of Microbiology Dr.RMLIMS, Lucknow. Click here